Thank you for your interest in getting in touch. I receive a lot of correspondence including many requests, which I appreciate. It would facilitate our interactions for me to receive some basic information up front. Please include details about what exactly you are asking me to do, what the time commitment is, the timeline of the involvement (if not a one-time event), compensation when applicable, the logistics associated with travel when applicable. And please clarify by when you'd like to hear back from me. I'd also appreciate receiving links to information about you and/or your organization/event online so that I can learn more. You can reach me at
You may also find the details below helpful depending on why you are reaching out.
None of the above
I am happy to and often talk to members of the press. I do not give "email interviews", but
if you know your questions in advance, please feel free to send them along in the message and then we can see whether we are able to hop on a call to discuss your questions. When getting in touch, let me know what outlet you are writing for, when the piece is expected to appear, and the phone number where I can reach you. You can reach me at
Inviting me to join your board
Sitting on various boards can be some of the most meaningful work and I am happy to consider joining yours. Please send information about the organization, the board's mission and task, the required time commitment, number of meetings per year and their length, and whether these are in-person or online. If in-person then please clarify likely location. Please also include information about compensation. Contact me at
Requesting that I consult on a project
I am happy to consider talking to you about your business venture or other project, but please understand that my time is very limited. When contacting me, please specify what exactly you would like to discuss, amount and type of compensation, and amount of time involved. Contact me at
Inviting me to participate on a project
I am happy to learn more about your related work and if it matches my current interests then I will be happy to discuss details with you. When contacting me, please share information about the project and specify what exactly you would want my contribution to be, who are the other participants, travel requirements (if any), amount of compensation (if any), and any other information you deem helpful for my understanding of your project. Reach me at
Requesting an interview for a class assignment (including journalism classes) that requires interviewing a researcher
I'm afraid I am unable to be interviewed for class papers (whether this is a journalism class assignment or not). There is much information about my work on my Web site and elsewhere online, please consult those materials to find answers to your questions about my research.
Asking for input on your study/paper
If you are contacting me for help with a research project, be as specific as possible about what work you have already done on the question and what it is exactly that you are asking from me. I am unavailable to do your literature search and literature review for you so please do not contact me with such requests. If you are a student then be sure to let me know the name and email address of the instructor of the class that relates to your question or the name/email address of your advisor. Also be sure to specify your institution if you are not writing from your official university address. Email me at
Asking me to be on your dissertation committee
If you are asking for help with your dissertation work, unfortunately, due to my existing commitments to junior scholars in my research group, I can rarely join additional committees. If your project is very close to my work and expertise (e.g., digital skills), however, I may be able to participate. Please send details about your study and what an external committee member is required to do including any need for travel and if yes, who would cover that. Contact me at
A student requesting a copy of the syllabus for one of my upcoming classes
I'm afraid I do not make the syllabi for my classes available ahead of time as I keep making edits up to the last minute. Please show up for the first class meeting to find out details about the class. We will go over the syllabus together in detail and you will have lots of opportunities to ask questions in class.
Asking to join my research team/become a PhD student/postdoc in our program
If you are curious to know whether I can take you on as a PhD student, a postdoc, or host you as a visiting scholar, unless I am advertising for a position, there is usually not an opening in my group, even if you can provide your own funding. There are possible exceptions, however. If you familiarize yourself with my research and writing with specific ideas that fit well into the themes we address in my group then collaboration may well be possible. You can get a sense of this work by looking at our recent publications. If you see a direct link between our work and interests then contact me at
Asking for survey items
I am delighted to hear from researchers interested in similar topics as I am, and I am happy to share survey instruments such as my Internet skills measure. This skill item has been documented in published papers (see Hargittai 2005, Hargittai 2009, and Hargittai and Hsieh 2012). If you cannot find the questions of interest then please be specific in your query when contacting me. Simply stating "please send me your survey" is not sufficiently informative as I have administered numerous surveys over the years with many hundreds of questions so in order to be helpful, I
need to understand your specific question. Contact me at
Requesting to reprint one of my articles or a portion of one of my articles
Before contacting me about reprinting one of my articles, please be
sure to check with the original venue about their copyright and reprint policies. When you contact
me, please specify the title of the work, the original venue, where and when you plan to reprint it, and if it is only a segment then exactly what material is of
interest. Please also clarify compensation when available. Email me at
Requesting to use one of my photographs
Many of my photos are published under Creative Commons licensing
(usually granting permission to republication for *nonprofit* purposes,
but check the individual photos
for specifics). If you are interested in using one of my phorographs as a for-profit entity then contact me with information about the exact photograph of interest
(include a link to the picture) and the amount and type of compensation
(does not necessarily have to be monetary) you propose. For books, I usually ask for a copy of the final publication. Send me a note at
None of the Above aka Other
As with all other categories above, the more information you provide including why I am the relevant person for your query, the more likely I am to consider your request and to respond to your email. Email me at