Winter 2005 Communication Studies 395-23/Sociology 376-23
Internet and Society
Instructor: Eszter Hargittai
Teaching Assistant: Amanda Hinnant
Quick links:
Requirements and Expectations | Grades | Academic Integrity | Absences Office Hours | Contact Information | Updates |
Course Schedule
Course Description and Objectives
What's it like to maintain a blog? How about if you are in Iran or
China? Are there downsides to using Friendster, Orkut or Thefacebook? Why
might you not want your parents or professors to use them? Are you
breaking any laws if you use Kazaa or Grokster? Could you be breaking laws
for sharing your research findings? How does Amazon know what books and
music may appeal to you? How do you know whether you should trust the
contents of an email message? What can SimCity teach you about public
In this course, we take a social scientific look at communication and
information technologies with particular emphasis on the Internet. The
goal of the course is to understand how the development of communication
and information technologies is embedded in a myriad of social
institutions and social processes. We consider the cultural, economic,
political and social implications of such technologies. By the end of the
class, you should be able to think critically and creatively about the
social aspects of information technologies.
Maximum class size: 40. Half of the slots are reserved for Sociology
majors. Preference will be given to juniors and seniors.
I do not post information about meeting times and location on this Web
site. See CAESAR for
those details.
You will be graded on your ability to think critically about the
we cover in class and communicate your thoughts in writing (e.g. through
your blog) and in class discussions. See details below.
Requirements and Expectations
Attendance is required.
You should come to class having done the readings assigned for that
period. We will conduct discussions during class meetings which require
familiarity with the readings. You will get much less out of class
meetings and blogging if you do not do all of the assigned readings on
time. See the Course Schedule below for the weekly reading assignments.
Class Discussions
You are required to participate regularly in class discussions. Your
contributions should be thoughtful, on topic, and respectful of others.
Maintaining a blog
You are required to maintain a blog. You have to post to it on a
basis. Posts are required any time before Sunday 5pm of each week.
You will receive additional information about the logistics of all this in
the first class meeting and we will address some of the technicalities in
the second and third class meetings that will be held in a special
computer classroom in the Library.
Reading and commenting on classmates' blogs
You are required to post comments on other people's blogs. You are
required to post at least one substantive comment each week. (You will
receive more information about this in class.)
Due to the writing requirement throughout the quarter, there will be no
midterm in this course.
Research paper
You are required to write a 8-12 page research paper due by 5pm on
Wednesday, March 9th, 2005. The paper will present the analysis of an
Internet-related phenomenon (a service, a law, an institution, a company,
etc.), its evolution, and how the concepts we discuss in class are
reflected in its evolution. You will receive more information about the
paper's topic in class.
- A one-paragraph summary (300-500 words) of your proposed paper is
due in
class at 10am on February 7, 2005. If you wish, you may submit a draft of
your final paper for comment in the beginning of class on Monday, February
28, 2005. (Make sure not to miss class due to these deadlines. You will
get a reduced grade for the paper summary and will not receive feedback on
your draft if you do not attend class on these days.)
Final exam
There will be an in-class final exam at 9am on Tuesday, March 15, 2005.
You will receive more information about the exam in class during the
second half of the quarter.
Evaluation will be based on your blog portfolio (25%), your class
participation (20%), your research paper (30%) and your performance on the
final exam (25%).
Blog portfolio
Your blog portfolio makes up 25 percent of your final grade. You will
submit a blog portfolio by 10am Monday March 7th, 2005. Your blog
portfolio will include:
- 5 blog posts
- a list of all blogs on which you posted comments throughout the
Five blog posts: Print-outs of five blog entries from your blog
throughout the quarter. It is up to you to choose the entries you think
are of the highest quality.
Five comments: Print-outs of five comments you made on other
blogs. It is up to you to choose comments that you think best engaged in
discussions with others in the class.
List of blogs on which you commented: A list of all blogs and post titles
by classmates on which you posted comments throughout the quarter.
Class participation
Your class participation makes up 20 percent of your final grade. It
made up of (1) your input during class discussions and (2) your regular
blog contributions. (If you do not meet the weekly requirements for
posting entries and comments on your and others' blogs it is your class
participation grade that will suffer.)
- You are required to attend class and actively participate in class
discussions. Be sure to do the readings ahead of class meetings to be
able to contribute to the conversations.
- You are required to post an entry on your blog each week (due by
11pm on
Sunday of each week) and to post a comment on a classmate's blog each week
(due by 5pm on Tuesday of each week). You are also required to read your
peers' blogs regularly and, when appropriate, incorporate online
contributions into class discussions.
Research paper
The summary/outline of your paper makes up five percent of your final
grade. The final paper will make up 25 percent of your final grade.
Final exam
The final exam will make up 25 percent of your final grade.
Academic Integrity
You are responsible for reading and abiding by the University
Regarding Academic Integrity (available online:
Make sure to document all
of your work and acknowledge the ideas and work of others. Possible
sanctions, as per the university guidelines, include reduced or failing
grade, a defined period of probation or suspension, exclusion from the
university and notation on the official record. You must not, in any way,
misrepresent your work or be party to another student's failure to
maintain academic integrity. DO NOT cheat, plagiarize or disregard the
University Principles Regarding Academic Integrity in any way, it is NOT
worth it!
Emergencies do happen. If this is the case, you will get credit for a
missed class session by posting a blog entry about the class readings
assigned for the class you missed. This blog post must be at least 350
words long. Such blog posts will not count toward your weekly blog
contributions nor may they be used as part of your final blog portfolio.
Make-up blog posts will be due at the beginning of the class session after
the one you missed. (If the emergency is such that you are unable to meet
this deadline, contact the instructor to figure out an alternative.)
Office Hours
Office hours are posted on the hard copy of this syllabus and on the
Course Management Web site. If those times
are in conflict with your schedule then you need to let the instructor
know in the beginning of the quarter to signal ahead of time that we may
have to make alternative arrangements.
Contact Information
Email is by far the most preferred way for communication about
class-related issues. Be sure to use the following email address for most
efficient response time: is05-at-hargittai-dot-com. Please also include a
meaningful subject line.
Be sure to check the class blog regularly for updates: Also
be sure to check your Northwestern email
account for communication related to class. (If you would rather receive
such communication at another email address, please let the instructor
Course Schedule
Availability of readings is indicated in brackets after the
bibliographic entry:
- online - openly accessible on the Web, syllabus contains link
- library online - NU library has a subscription to this publication,
can access it through the library page
- courseware - the course's NU
Courseware page contains a copy of the
- packet - the course packet includes a copy of the reading
1/3 Introductions
No readings due for this class meeting
1/5 Blog Logistics - This class will meet in the Library Mac/PC
Classroom (see your hard copy syllabus for specifics)
- Syllabus, "Maintaining a Blog" handout, "Privacy" handout
- Preece, Jenny. 2004. "Etiquette Online: From Nice to Necessary."
Communication of the ACM. 47(4):56-61 [library online, courseware]
- Rimer, Sarah. 2004. "Revealing the Soul of a Soulless Lawyer." The
New York Times. December 26. [courseware]
- Rosen, Jeffrey. 2004. "Your Blog or Mine?" The New York Times
Magazine. December 19. [courseware]
- Schwartz, John. 2004. "Blogs Provide Raw Details from Scene of
Disaster." The New York Times. December 28. [courseware]
1/10 Blogs - This class will meet in the Library Mac/PC
Classroom (see your hard copy syllabus for specifics)
- Bruckman, Amy. 1996. "Finding One's Own Space in Cyberspace."
Technology Review. 99(1) [library online, courseware]
- Herring, Susan, Kirk Job-Sluder, Rebecca Scheckler, and Sasha
Barab. 2002. "Searching
for Safety Online: Managing 'Trolling' in a
Feminist Forum." The Information Society. 18(5):371-385.
online, courseware]
- Shirky, Clay. 2003. "Power
Laws, Weblogs, and Inequality."
Networks, Economics and Culture Mailing List.[online]
1/12 Communities Online
Due: Blogroll and changes to your blog's layout.
- Lessig, Lawrence. 1999. Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace. New
York: Basic Books. Chapter 2. pp. 9-23. [packet]
- Sunstein, Cass R. 2004. "Democracy and Filtering." Communications
of the ACM. 47(12):57-59. [courseware, library online]
- Wellman, Barry and Gulia, Milena. 1999. "Net
Surfers Don't Ride
Alone: Virtual Communities As Communities." In Wellman, B. (Ed.)
in the Global Village. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. pp.331-367. [online]
1/17 Martin Luther King Day
No class meeting, you are encouraged to take part in campus activities
honor Martin Luther King Day
Due at 5pm: MLK Day-related Web-site link
Locate and post a blog entry discussing a Web site that in some way
commemorates this day or addresses an issue related to this holiday. In
your entry, say something about why you found the site worthy of mention
and describe how you found it. (You may not simply copy a site to which
someone else in the class linked as part of this assignment.)
1/19 Catch-up
Review of technical aspects of blogs, blog posts and readings
this point
1/24 Information and Communication Technologies in Historical
- Castells, Manuel. 2001. The Internet Galaxy: Reflections on the
Internet, Business, and Society. New York: Oxford Univ. Press. Chapter
pp. 9-35: "Lessons from the History of the Internet." [packet]
- Ganley, Gladys D. 1991. "Power to the People via Personal
Electronic Media." Washington Quarterly. pp.5-14. [packet]
- Hargittai, Eszter. 2000. "Radio's Lessons for
the Internet."
Communications of the ACM. 41(3):50-57. [library online,
online, courseware]
- Starr, Paul. 2004. The Creation of the Media - Political Origins
of Modern Communications. Basic Books. Introduction. Pp.1-19. [packet]
1/26 The Politics of Code
- Introna, Lucas & Nissenbaum, Helen. 2000. "Shaping
the Web:
Why the Politics of Search Engines Matters." The Information
16(3):1-17. [online, library online]
- Lessig, Lawrence. 1999. Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace. New
York, NY: Basic Books Chapters 1, 3, 5; pp. 3-8, pp. 24-29, pp. 43-62.
- Lyon, David. 2002. Surveillance in Cyberspace: The Internet,
Personal Data, and Social Control. Queen's Quarterly. 109
1/31 Digital Inequality
- DiMaggio, Paul and Coral Celeste. 2004. "Technological Careers:
Adoption, Deepening and Dropping Out in a Panel of Internet Users." Paper
presented at the Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meetings, New York
City [courseware]
- Norris, Pippa. 2000. Digital
Divide. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. Chapter
3: Wired World. [online, courseware]
- Warschauer, Mark. 2003. Technology and Social Inclusion:
Rethinking the Digital Divide. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Introduction
Chapter 1, pp. 1-9, pp. 11-30. [packet]
2/2 Skill
Blog assignment. Scenario: Your wallet was stolen. What do you
do? Find a Web site that
describes what steps you should take in such a situation. Document
your process of arriving at the Web site. Describe it on your blog and
include the resulting Web site.
- Center for Democracy and Technology. 2003. "Why Am I
Getting All This Spam?
Unsolicited Commercial E-mail Research Six Month Report." March.
- Mossberger, Karen, Caroline J. Tolbert, Mary Stansbury.
2003. Virtual
Inequality: Beyond the Digital Divide. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown
University Press. Chapter 3. pp.38-59. [packet]
2/7 The Information Economy
- Anderson, Chris. 2004. "The
Long Tail." Wired. 12(10) October
- DiMaggio, Paul and Joseph N. Cohen. 2004. "Information Inequality
and Network Externalities: A Comparative Study of the Diffusion of
Television and the Internet." In Victor Nee and Richard Swedberg, Eds.
Economic Sociology of Capitalism. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
Press [courseware]
- Greenstein, Shane. 2004. "Virulant Word of Mouse." In Diamonds are
Forever, Computers are Not. London: Imperial College Press. pp.22-28.
2/9 Networks Online
2/14 Digital Technologies and Cultural Consumption
2/16 The Internet and Political Institutions
- Drezner, Daniel W. and Henry Farrell. 2004. Web
Influence." Foreign Policy. November/December. [online,
- Howard, Philip N. 2003. "Digitizing the Social Contract: Producing
American Political Culture in the Age of New Media." The Communication
Review. 6:213-245. [online, courseware]
2/21 Political Institutions (Cont)
2/23 E-Government
- Ceaparu, Irina and Ben Shneiderman. 2002. Improving Web-Based
Civic Information Access: A Case Study of the 50 U.S. States. Proceedings
of the International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS 2002).
- Norris, Pippa. 2000. Digital
Divide. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. Chapter
6: e-Governance. [online, courseware]
2/28 Children and the Internet
3/2 Privacy in the Age of Electronic Media
Bring questions about material covered throughout the quarter.
- Albrecht, Katherine. 2002. Supermarket Cards: The Tips of
Retail Surveillance Iceberg. Denver University Law Review.
79(4):534-539 &
558-565. [courseware]
- Aravosis, John. 1999. "Privacy: The Impact on the Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual and Transgender Community". In Access Denied 2.0. pp.30-35
McVeigh, Timothy. 1999. "How Invasion of Privacy Can Affect the Community:
A Personal Testimony." In Access Denied 2.0. pp.36-40. [courseware]
3/7 No class meeting, reading period begins in WCAS
3/9 No class meeting, optional: review session
- Final papers are due by 5pm in my office (Frances Searle
AND in the Dropbox on Blackboard.
3/15 Final exam at 9am