Weaving the Western
Web: Explaining Differences in Internet Connectivity Among
OECD Countries [pdf]
1999. Telecommunications
Despite the Internet's increasing importance, there is little social
scientific work that addresses its diffusion. Our knowledge is especially
limited with respect to the conditions that encourage its spread across
nations. This paper takes a first step in explaining the differences in
Internet connectivity among OECD countries. After examining the impact of
economic indicators, human capital, institutional legal environment, and
existing technological infrastructure, the empirical analyses show that
economic wealth and telecommunications policy are the most salient
predictors of a nations' Internet connectivity.
II. Background
III. Theoretical Considerations
III.a) Findings from previous research
III.b) Economic factors
III.c) Human capital
III.d) Institutional legal environment
III.e) Existing technologies
III.f) Testable Propositions
IV. Data and Methods
IV.a) Outcome variable
IV.b) Explanatory factors
V. Findings
VI. Discussion
VII. Conclusion
I would like to thank Marta Tienda, Miguel Centeno, Martin Dodge,
Bruce Western, the members of Princeton University's 1998/99 Sociology
Empirical Research Seminar and an anonymous reviewer for their helpful
comments on earlier drafts of this paper. I am grateful to Tim Kelly, Ben
Petrazzini and Sam Paltridge for their help in providing data.
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